Gairdner Science Week 2024

October 23:Gairdner International Symposium

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Next Gen Sequencing: Current and Future Impact on Biomedicine

Join us as we explore the transformative potential of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in biomedicine. This symposium, inspired by the pioneering work of the 2024 Canada Gairdner International Award laureates, Drs. David Klenerman, Shankar Balasubramanian and Pascal Mayer, will gather some of the world’s leading genomics researchers to discuss how NGS is revolutionizing our understanding of disease and shaping the future of genomic medicine.

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Opening Remarks from Janet Rossant, Gairdner President and Scientific Director

Session 1 Chair: Tae Joon Yi, Krembil Foundation

9:05 AM - "From the Human Genome Project to the Realization of Genomic Medicine"

Speaker: Eric Green, Director, National Human Genome Research Institute National Institutes of Health, USA.

9:35 AM - "Genome sequencing in discovery and diagnostics in Canadian populations

Speaker: Dr. Christian R. Marshall, PhD, CCMG, DABMGG Division of Genome Diagnostics The Hospital for Sick Children.

10:05 AM - "Genomics at scale: The All of Us Research Program

Speaker: Niall J Lennon, Ph.D. Sr. Director, Genomics Platform, Broad Institute Institute Scientist, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard.

10:35 AM - "Germline-mediated immunoediting sculpts breast cancer subtypes and metastatic proclivity"

Speaker: Kathleen Houlahan, PhD. Gairdner Early Career Investigator, Dept of Biochemistry, McMaster University.

10:45 AM - Health Break

Session 2 Chair: Rob Annan, Genome Canada

11:00 AM - "Oncohistones: Bridging Cancer, Neurodegeneration, and New Frontiers”

Speaker: Nada Jabado, MD, PhD Professor, Department of Pediatrics McGill University.

11:35 AM - "Mapping molecules to cells”

Speaker: Sarah TeichmannPhD Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge.

12:05 PM - Panel discussion on future technologies, ethical issues and human health impact.

Moderator by Stephen Scherer, PhD Chief of Research, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.

Participants: Gairdner awardees, Drs. David KlenermanShankar Balasubramanian and Pascal Mayer.                       

Laura Arbour, MD Professor, Department of Medical Genetics, UBC, Victoria, BC. 

Bartha Knoppers, PhD Distinguished James McGill Professor Emerita McGill University, Montreal.

12:30 PM - Closing Remarks by Rob Annan, Genome Canada 


101 College St, Toronto, ON M5G 1L7