Picturing Gairdner Laureates’ Science in the Classroom

The Gairdner Foundation would like to thank London Drugs for supporting the development of these materials.
In collaboration with CSMB and the Michael Smith Laboratories at UBC, these materials were produced to provide a series of articles, comics, videos and accompanying lesson ideas to celebrate the science of a selection of the 2020 Canada Gairdner Awardees. This builds on the Gairdner Foundation’s partnership with CSMB and Michael Smith Laboratories at UBC, which began last year.
We invite you to view and share these documents widely, as they highlight the impact science has in our lives and our understanding of the world.
Visit the links to below to download the materials.
- Canada Gairdner Awards 2020 Laureate Education Materials(Full package)
- Elaine Fuchs The Elixir of Life and Our Skin
- Masatoshi Takeichi & Rolf Kemler Cadherin and Catenins: A Sticky Situation
- Roel Nusse Of Patterns and Cancer in Mice and Flies
- Mina Bissell Mammary Gland Mysteries, Solved
- Guy Rouleau From Genes in the Brain to Medicine
- Quarraisha & Salim Abdool Karim Beyond the ABCs: How to Prevent HIV
- Video: Watch the comics come to life here.
- Activities and discussion questions for classroom use.
Thank you to the students who contributed to this project: Daniela Salas Acosta, Shawn Shortill, Krysta Coyle, Heather Gerrie, Farah Qaiser and Alison McAfee.
Illustrations by Armin Mortazavi
For more information about the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences, please visit https://csmb-scbm.ca/
For more information about the UBC Michael Smith Laboratories, please visit https://www.msl.ubc.ca