Gairdner joining Rwanda 2019 Women Leaders In Global Health Conference

The Gairdner Foundation will be joining a line-up of extraordinary speakers and organizers in Kigali, Rwanda this November for the 3rd Annual Women Leaders in Global Health Conference.
Having attended last year’s London, UK Conference hosted by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the Gairdner Foundation is now joining as a silver sponsor for the first major WLGH event in the Global South. Global health is a significant part of the Gairdner Mission and we celebrate this opportunity to encourage and support all members of the community in the pursuit of excellence.
“The Gairdner Foundation is delighted to partner with the WLGH 2019 Conference in recognizing, convening and celebrating women leaders in global health. The John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award is a world leading prize for scientists making significant impacts in global health. We are committed to increased equity, diversity and inclusion in all our activities and look forward to ongoing alignment between the missions of WLGH and the Foundation. Together we can help open opportunities for all individuals and communities to contribute to the health of humanity.” – Dr. Janet Rossant, President & Scientific Director, Gairdner Foundation
We encourage all those involved in the Global Health Community to attend and to take advantage in this exceptional opportunity. Follow the conference at for updates on confirmed speakers, programing developments and opportunities for attendees and sponsors.
Watch @WLGH19 & @ughe_org for all the latest and spread the word on social media and in your networks with:
#WLGH19 #GenderEquity #InvestInWomen #WomenLeaders #GlobalHealth #Rwanda #HealthEquity