Kathleen Rice

Canada Research Chair in the Medical Anthropology of Primary Care; Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, McGill University
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Kathleen (Kate) Rice is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at McGill University, where she holds the SSHRC-funded Tier II Canada Research Chair in the Medical Anthropology of Primary Care. Her theoretical and methodological expertise are in the areas of social theories of power and inequity, decolonial research methodologies, and ethnography. In all her work, Kate aims to expose the underlying discourses, ideologies, and categories that shape healthcare, as well as the relations of power that underpin them. Driven by a commitment to high-quality, equitable care for all, her research program aims to improve the health of marginalized populations in particular. Kate's specific areas of topical focus include gender, chronic pain, pregnancy and birth, gender-based violence, and medical education. Her areas of geographic focus are Southern Africa, and urban and rural Canada.