QCRI-Gairdner Cancer Education & Awareness Event

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Event Organizer: Queen's Cancer Research Institute (QCRI)

Are you a cancer patient/survivor/care giver/family member? If so, you are welcome to this public education event hosted by QCRI scientists/clinicians and sponsored by Gairdner Foundation.

Questions about how cancer begins? How cancer treatments are developed and tested? How are cancer drugs approved and do they all have value to patients? How can patients become involved in cancer research and cancer trials? Join experts from QCRI for an education event that will address these questions and many more!

Refreshments and lunch provided.

School of Medicine Building (SOMB)

15 Arch Street (at Stuart Street)

Rm. 132A – Britton Smith Lecture Theatre and David Walker Atrium


Dr. Elizabeth Eisenhauer, Professor Emerita, Depts. of Oncology and Medicine, Queen’s University and former CCTG IND Program Director


Dr. Christopher Booth, Director, QCRI Cancer Care & Epidemiology (CCE) Division and Medical Oncologist

Dr. Joseph Pater, Edith Eisenhauer Chair in Clinical Cancer Research – Emeritus

Dr. Bishal Gyawali, Associate Professor and Faculty Scientist, QCRI CCE Division

Dr. Janet Dancey, Director, Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) and Professor, Dept. of Oncology, Queen’s University

1:45–2:15 pm Patient Involvement in the drug development and approval process.

Speaker: Judy Needham (Patient Representative Chair, CCTG)

2:15–2:30 pm Interpreting Media Coverage of Breakthroughs: a word to the wise.

Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Eisenhauer

2:30-3:00 pm Questions & Answer Session

Moderator: Dr. Bishal Gyawali

3:00–3:30 pm Networking and Refreshments Break


9:00–9:30 am Registration and refreshments (David Walker Atrium)

9:30–9:40 am Welcome video by Dr. Jane Philpott, Dean Faculty of Health Sciences; & Gairdner rep.

9:40–9:50 am Event Introduction by Dr. Bishal Gyawali, Associate Professor and Faculty Scientist, QCRI Cancer Care & Epidemiology (CCE) Division

9:50–10:30 am Biology of Cancer: What is cancer? How does it arise? Panel discussion (concepts of genetics, immune system, risk factors, epidemiology).

Speakers: Dr. Andrew Craig, QCRI Director and Dr Madhuri Koti, Associate Professor, Cancer Biology & Genetics Division QCRI

10:30–11:00 am How are new cancer drugs discovered and tested? Phases of clinical trials: Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG).

Speaker: Dr. Janet Dancey, Director, Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) and Professor, Dept. of Oncology, Queen’s University

11:00–11:50 am Drug approval and reimbursement process.

Speakers: Dr. Scott Berry, Professor and Department Head, Department of Oncology, Queen’s University and Medical Director, Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario; Valerie McDonald, former Patient Member, pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Expert Review Committee

Complimentary Lunch Break (David Walker Atrium)

1:00–1:45 pm Panel Discussion: Concerns with the drug development, approval and reimbursement process (flawed trial designs, surrogate endpoints, cost of drugs, magnitude of benefit and value assessment, quality of life).